The law in the USA regarding “contact tracing” and quarantine

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The law in the USA regarding “contact tracing” and quarantine

Post by admin » Thu May 21, 2020 3:23 am

Juanter wrote:
Tue May 19, 2020 11:14 pm
So I am a lawyer in Oklahoma and wrote the attached memo in the crazy laws that are now in force in EVERY STATE IN THE UNION! L

Thank he laws just got put into place on May 13, but are in effect now. Please read, and if you think is as important as I do spread the info. The media has always been absolutely silent about what contact tracing is, how it is accomplished and the ultimate ramifications. Please post it on websites and things of that nature (I am not a member of concious hugs so if some one could post there that would be great). I wan to reiterate that this is not a conspiracy theory, this is starting right now and people need to know. I think we can stop it if people start talking about it.

Please read the memo and I will post the references In the next post if people want to look into it deeper.
Memo Regarding Oklahoma Law on Contact Tracing and Covid-19 Response.pdf
Cdc guidelines
(275.18KiB)Downloaded 3483 times


Here are the two most important exhibits. I strongly suggest you read them in total As they are very important.
Ex. 7; CDC Alternate Care Sites.pdf
Quarantine sites in detail
(1.66MiB)Downloaded 3466 times
Ex 4.; CDC Plan for Developing Covid-19 Contact Tracing Plan.pdf
The new rules for compliance if CDC

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